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Your company must possess a valid sponsor license to facilitate the employment of skilled overseas individuals in the UK, including those under Skilled Visa programs.


To obtain a UK visa sponsorship license, you must submit an application to the Home Office and pay the associated fees.


The Home Office will only issue a sponsor license to companies that can demonstrate that the roles they are seeking to fill and the individuals they plan to sponsor meet the required criteria. Additionally, the organisation must have robust HR systems in place to adhere to stringent sponsorship compliance obligations.


The sponsorship license allows an organisation to sponsor workers within its business. Only organisations, and not individuals, are eligible to obtain sponsor licenses.


By agreeing to obtain a sponsor license, your organisation assumes specific compliance responsibilities, subjecting it to scrutiny by the Home Office.


The sponsorship regime is designed to ensure:


The sponsor fulfils all compliance duties associated with sponsoring migrant workers.

Sponsored workers meet the necessary points requirements and possess appropriate qualifications, skills, and language proficiency.

The sponsored roles meet the prescribed skill level, salary, and authenticity criteria.

Failure to meet these duties can lead to enforcement actions ranging from significant fines to license revocation. This would consequently result in visa workers losing their jobs and having their visas curtailed, necessitating premature departure from the country.

Sponsor licence requirements:

There are no limitations on the size or nature of organisations eligible to obtain a sponsorship license as long as they fulfil the eligibility and suitability criteria for the particular category or tier they are applying for.


In the present system, two distinct types of sponsor licenses exist one for 'Workers,' which encompasses skilled or long-term employment, and another for 'Temporary Workers,' which are designated for specific types of temporary employment.

Eligibility criteria

The organisation is genuine, operating and/or trading lawfully in the UK.

The organisation is based in the UK.


For suitability, UKVI will ensure the potential sponsor:


Offers genuine vacancies meeting skilled worker criteria. Job descriptions must accurately reflect roles.

Possesses HR and recruitment systems for compliance with sponsor duties. Site inspections may be conducted.

Demonstrates honesty, reliability, and absence of unspent criminal convictions among owners and key personnel.

Shows no evidence of past non-compliance with immigration regulations.

Holds relevant planning permissions or Local Planning Authority consent for business operations at the trading address.



As of April 6, 2024, there is no longer a requirement to renew a sponsor licence in the UK. Sponsorship licences expiring on or after this date are automatically extended for 10 years.


Priority service option:


The pre-licence priority service is for businesses applying to sponsor migrant workers and who would like to pay for a faster decision. Standard processing can take up to 8 weeks, while an expedited application should take 10 working days.


Why choose Visas 24/7 to represent your Sponsor licence application?


Our services encompass advising on all required documentation to support your application, followed by meticulously collating, preparing, and submitting a comprehensive application package on your company's behalf.

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